About this Blog

Outgoing President Dr. Kalam's much publicized book, "India Vision 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium" will not include the following. He visualizes a prosperous and develeped India by 2020. But how about lakhs of inviduals without vision, i.e. eyesight? How about those without any hope for living? It's blog that asks you to share your ideas on donating something for each of these. Ideas are not about giving them the vision or something else rather it is about giving them the 'HOPE' to live on.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

In search of LIGHT !!

Of the 1.12 Crore visually Challenged in India, as many as 3 million suffer from corneal problems.And out of this 3 million, 26% are children.

It is estimated that India needs 2 lakh donated cornea every year, but gets only 15,000 donors. Out of this 15,000, almost half are not found fit for restoring vision.

The waiting list in some eye banks is as much as two years.
Ophthalmologists say that less than 1% of those who pledge their eye actually donate them.

So it's time, we stress on EYE DONATION, rather than EYE PLEDGING.

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